September 2021
Toray Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. has decided to withdraw from the Cellulose Sponge business as of the end of fiscal 2021(March 31, 2022).
We have worked on making of the Cellulose Sponge business revival plan to continue this business under the severe business environment.
In order to stay in the business, all facilities renewal will be needed because the plant is a very old facility about 50 years ago.
Unfortunately, we have decided to withdraw from the Cellulose Sponge business according to our judgement it will be impossible to secure the profit stably for a medium and long term.
Time of the business withdrawal: March 31, 2022
Time of the end of production for the Cellulose Sponge: December 31, 2021
(Matsuyama Plant Matsuyama city Ehime prefecture)
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